Webinars & Events
Webinars & Events
Let us help you succeed. Broaden your clinical laboratory knowledge with our educational webinars. Start by choosing your Human Condition to see available content.
- Gastrointestinal Calprotectin H. pylori E. coli Campylobacter
- Healthcare Acquired Infections C. difficile
- Pediatric & Neonatal CMV Group B Strep
- Respiratory Pertussis Group A Streptococcus
- Sexual Health HSV 1&2
Streptocoque B : Enjeux et Intérêts du Diagnostic Moléculaire Intrapartum
Malgré la stratégie de dépistage universel entre la 35 et 37ème semaine de grossesse, le streptocoque du groupe B (SGB) reste la cause majeure de méningite et de sepsis néonatal précoce. Un groupe d’experts Européens à recommandé un déplacement du dépistage à l’accouchement avec un test PCR rapide.
2 expertes des CNR France et Belgique discuteront des différents défis du diagnostic du SGB, de l’intérêt du dépistage intrapartum et des résultats d’une étude multicentrique portant sur le dépistage intrapartum à l’aide du test rapide moléculaire Revogene® GBS DS (Meridian Bioscience).
Dr Asmaa Tazi : MCU-PH laboratoire de bactériologie de l’Hôpital Cochin – APHP / CNR Français des Streptocoques
Cécile Meex : Ph.Biol. Service de microbiologie Clinique du CHU Liège / CNR Belge Streptococcus agalactiae
Group B Streptococcus: Disease, Guidelines, and Testing Options
Key opinion leader, Donna Mayne, B.S. (MT) ASCP, (CLS) NCA, presents on the topic of Group B Streptococcus. She discusses disease state, guidelines for testing and testing options.
Group B Streptococcus – A Neonatal Pathogen and Screening Guidelines for Its Laboratory Diagnosis and Prevention
Group B Streptococcus continues to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in infants. This program will provide a comprehensive overview of this pathogen and the 2010 CDC guidelines that address diagnosis and prevention.
Neonatal Group B Streptococcal Disease: Problem Solved?
Key opinion leader, James M. Greenberg, MD Professor and Director, Division of Neonatology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, presents on the topic of neonatal Group B Streptococcal disease. Group B Streptococcus continues to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in infants. This program will provide a comprehensive overview of this pathogen and the 2010 CDC guidelines that address diagnosis and prevention.
Group B Strep Screening Update: Guidelines and Methods
Key opinion leader, Haywood Brown, MD, Professor and Chair, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Maternal Fetal Medicine Duke Medicine, Durham, NC, presents on the topic of Group B Streptococcal disease. Group B Streptococcus continues to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in infants. This program will provide a comprehensive overview of this pathogen and the 2010 CDC guidelines that address diagnosis and prevention.
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