
qPCR and RT-qPCR Master Mixes

The ready-to-use qPCR and RT-qPCR master mixes have been developed for fast cycling and are designed for superior sensitivity and specificity with probe-detection technology. A combination of the latest advances in buffer chemistry and PCR enhancers, in conjunction with an antibody or chemical-mediated DNA polymerase promote rapid, consistently accurate detection of the intended targets, even with multiplex qPCR assays.
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High-Specificity Pfu HS Mix DNA NGS MDX006 Order a Sample Available in 0.025 mL (500 Units) or 1 mL (20,000 Units) aliquots

High concentration, high-fidelity Taq DNA polymerase used for the amplification of a next-generation sequencing (NGS) library.

Liquid No No No No 2x No
Inhibitor-Tolerant qPCR Mix Blood, saliva, urine, stool, tissue, DNA qPCR MDX013 Order a Sample Available in 5 mL (500 Rxns) or 100 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

Universal inhibitor tolerant qPCR master mix, for direct amplification from crude lysates or inhibitor-rich samples such as urine, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), blood, sputum, saliva and stool.

Liquid No No No No 2x No
Inhibitor-Tolerant RT-qPCR Mix, 4x Blood, saliva, urine, stool, tissue, RNA RT-qPCR MDX016 Order a Sample Available in 5 mL (500 Rxns) or 50 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

Universal, high concentration, inhibitor tolerant RT-qPCR master mix, for direct amplification from crude lysates or inhibitor-rich samples such as urine, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), blood, sputum, saliva and stool.

Liquid No No No No 4x No
Fast qPCR Mix DNA qPCR MDX020 Order a Sample Available in 5 mL (500 Rxns) or 100 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

The latest advances in buffer chemistry and PCR enhancers and stabilizers, together with a hot-start polymerase, dNTPs and MgCl2, for highly reproducible, accurate assay results under fast thermal cycling conditions.

Liquid No No No No 2x No
Lyo-Ready qPCR Mix DNA qPCR MDX021 Order a Sample Available in 5 mL (500 Rxns) or 100 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

Glycerol-free Taq polymerase, reaction buffer, dNTP, MgCl2, and lyo-excipients, ideal for developing room temperature, lyophilized, multiplex qPCR assays.

Liquid No Lyo-Ready Yes Yes 2x No
Lyo-Ready qPCR Mix 2.6x DNA qPCR MDX023 Order a Sample Available in 8 mL (500 Rxns) or 100 mL (12,500 Rxns) aliquots

Glycerol-free Taq polymerase, reaction buffer, dNTP, MgCl2, and lyo-excipients, ideal for developing room temperature, lyophilized, multiplex qPCR assays.

Liquid No Lyo-Ready Yes Yes 2.6x No
Lyo-Ready 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix RNA RT-qPCR MDX024 Order a Sample Available in 10 mL (1,000 Rxns) or 100 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

Glycerol-free Taq polymerase, reaction buffer, dNTP, MgCl2, and lyo-excipients, and separate thermostable reverse transcriptase, ideal for developing room temperature, lyophilized, multiplex qPCR assays.

Liquid No Lyo-Ready Yes Yes 2x No
Low LOD 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix RNA RT-qPCR MDX025 Order a Sample Available in 10 mL (1,000 Rxns) or 100 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots.

RT-qPCR mix a dNTP/dUTP mix, designed for stringent amplification of highly structured and very low copy-number RNA and DNA targets.

Liquid No No No No 2x No
Low DNA qPCR Mix DNA qPCR MDX030 Order a Sample Available in 5 mL (500 Rxns) or 100 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

Highly purified qPCR master mix with stringent chemical hot-start properties and low bioburden, ideal for PCR of low-copy bacterial targets to avoid false-positive amplification.

Liquid No No No No 2x No
Hi-throughput dUTP qPCR Mix DNA qPCR MDX031 Order a Sample Available in 5 mL (500 Rxns) or 100 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

qPCR mix containing Taq polymerase, reaction buffer, dNTP/dUTP mix and MgCl2, developed to remove background PCR product contamination.

Liquid No No No No 2x No
Fast 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix RNA RT-qPCR MDX032 Order a Sample Available in 5 mL (500 Rxns) or 100 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

A combination of the latest advances in buffer chemistry and PCR enhancers, together with a hot-start polymerase, dNTPs and MgCl2 and separate reverse transcriptas, ideal for fast, accurate, highly reproducible RT-qPCR.

Liquid No No No No 2x No
NGS Library Quantification DNA NGS MDX039 Order a Sample Available in 500 Rxns

Fast qPCR Mix, pre-diluted DNA standards, primer mix and dilution buffer, designed to accurately measure the number of amplifiable DNA fragments in Illumina-based NGS libraries before loading into a flow cell.

Liquid No No No No 2x No
Hi-throughput dUTP qPCR Lo-ROX DNA qPCR MDX060 Order a Sample Available in 10 mL (1,000 Rxns) or 100 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

Contains Taq polymerase, reaction buffer, dNTP, MgCl2, stabilizers, PCR enhancers, and ROX dye. The dTTP has been substituted for dUTP, so that UDGase can be added to remove background PCR carryover product contamination.

Liquid No No No No 2x No
Lyo-Ready 1-Step RT-qPCR Virus Mix RNA RT-qPCR MDX062 Order a Sample Available in 10 mL (1,000 Rxns) or 100 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

Taq polymerase, RNase inhibitor, reaction buffer, dNTP, MgCl2 and lyo-excipients and separate reverse transcriptase, optimized for amplification of RNA with high secondary structure.

Liquid No Lyo-Ready Yes Yes 2x No
Fast qPCR Mix, 5x DNA qPCR MDX072 Order a Sample Available in 2 mL (500 Rxns) or 40 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

The latest advances in buffer chemistry and PCR enhancers and stabilizers, together with a hot-start polymerase, dNTPs and MgCl2, for highly reproducible, accurate assay results under fast thermal cycling conditions.

Liquid No No No No 5x Yes
Inhibitor-Tolerant qPCR Mix, 5x DNA qPCR MDX073 Order a Sample Available in 2 mL (500 Rxns) or 40 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

Combination of the latest advances in buffer chemistry and PCR enhancers and stabilizers, together with high quality enzymes, dNTPs and MgCl2, for use in the presence of inhibitors.

Liquid No No No No 5x Yes
Air-Dryable qPCR Mix, 4x DNA qPCR MDX082 Order a Sample Available in 5 mL (500 Rxns) or 50 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

Glycerol-free qPCR mix containing Taq polymerase, reaction buffer, dNTPs, MgCl2 and air-dry compatible excipients, ideal for developing ambient temperature, multiplex molecular assays.

Liquid Yes Air-Dryable Yes No 4x Yes
Air-Dryable 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix, 4x RNA RT-qPCR MDX095 Order a Sample Available in 5 mL (500 Rxns) or 50 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

Glycerol-free RT-qPCR mix containing Taq polymerase, reverse transcriptase, reaction buffer, dNTPs, MgCl2 and air-dry compatible excipients, ideal for developing ambient temperature, multiplex molecular assays.

Liquid Yes Air-Dryable Yes No 4x Yes
Inhibitor-Tolerant RT-qPCR Lo-ROX Mix, 4x Blood, saliva, urine, stool, tissue, RNA RT-qPCR MDX105 Order a Sample Available in 5 mL (500 Rxns) or 50 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

Combination of the latest advances in buffer chemistry and PCR enhancers and stabilizers, together with high quality enzymes, dNTPs and MgCl2, for use in the presence of inhibitors.

Liquid No No No No 4x Yes
Lyo-Ready dUTP 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix RNA RT-qPCR MDX113 Order a Sample Available in 10 mL (1,000 Rxns) or 100 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots

Glycerol-free mix containing Taq polymerase, RNase Inhibitor, reaction buffer, dNTP/dUTP mix, MgCl2 and lyo-excipients and separate reverse transcriptase , developed to remove background PCR product contamination.

Liquid No Lyo-Ready Yes Yes 2x No
Lyo-Ready Inhibitor-Tolerant qPCR Mix Blood, saliva, urine, stool, tissue, DNA qPCR MDX184 Order a Sample Available in 1,000 Unit or 10,000 Unit aliquots

Universal, high concentration, inhibitor tolerant qPCR master mix, for direct amplification from crude lysates or inhibitor-rich samples such as urine, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), blood, sputum, saliva and stool.

Liquid No Lyo-Ready Yes Yes 4x Yes
Lyo-Ready Inhibitor-Tolerant RT-qPCR Mix Blood, saliva, urine, stool, tissue, RNA RT-qPCR MDX185 Order a Sample Available in 1,000 Unit or 10,000 Unit aliquots

Universal, high concentration, inhibitor tolerant RT-qPCR master mix, for direct amplification from crude lysates or inhibitor-rich samples such as urine, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), blood, sputum, saliva and stool.

Liquid No Lyo-Ready Yes Yes 4x Yes

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Lyophilization and Air-Dryable Ready Master Mixes

Lyophilization and air-dryable ready options allow room temperature shipping and storage, extended shelf-life, and increased flexibility in sample volume and so sensitivity. For reduction in the background and even greater sensitivity we also have dU options that are ideal for multiplex assays on open, automated, high-throughput instruments. These products are also available as components in order to fit the development of your molecular diagnostic tests.

  • Engineered to increase affinity for DNA and RNA, so resulting in significant improvements in yield, sensitivity and speed.
  • Developed to give robust, reproducible amplification under fast conditions.
  • Novel buffer systems give reliable amplification in the presence of inhibitors.

A combination of the latest advances in buffer chemistry and PCR enhancers and stabilizers, in conjunction with an antibody-mediated hot start polymerase designed for highly reproducible, accurate RNA and DNA target amplification under fast thermal cycling conditions, delivering excellent results in multiplex assays, even in the presence of difficult inhibitors. Lyophilization and air-dryable ready options allow room temperature shipping and storage, extended shelf-life, and increased flexibility in sample volume and so sensitivity.

High-Performance Master Mixes for PCR Applications

Why We Are Second To None

Meridian offers diagnostic manufacturers the complete solution with over 3,000 antigens and antibodies covering more than 500 diseases and an extensive range of specialty qPCR/RT-qPCR master mixes and molecular enzymes all manufactured under ISO13485 regulations.

  • Path Copy

    Large Sample Size

  • Lot Reservation

    Lot Reservation

  • ISO13485


  • World-Class Customer Service

    World-Class Customer Service


In one-step qPCR or reverse transcription qPCR, cDNA synthesis and qPCR are performed in a single reaction tube. In two-step qPCR, cDNA is synthesized in one reaction tube, and aliquots of the cDNA is then used for a subsequent RT-qPCR experiments.

The qPCR master mixes, and RT-qPCR master mixes have been optimized for magnesium, dNTPs, stabilizers, and enhancers, resulting in highly reproducible, accurate RNA and DNA target amplification under fast thermal cycling conditions, delivering excellent results in multiplex assays, even in the presence of difficult PCR inhibitors. So, we do not recommend adding any additional material, only the primers, probe(s), and sample.

We would recommend using a range of crude sample concentrations or extract volumes to ascertain at what point unacceptable PCR inhibition starts to take place. This will vary as some sample types, such as blood and stool specimens typically contain more inhibitors for qPCR/RT-qPCR reactions.

Yes, reaction conditions are the same and they will produce the same results, this means that the liquid mixes can be used to create SOPs if you do not want to dry down and then later if drying is required (for example to increase sensitivity), the SOP can be updated for drying, it does not require completely new SOPs to be written, but excipients will need to be added.

Lyophilization is done by freezing and sublimation in a vacuum, forming a cake or bead, it has very low viscosity and up to 99% of the moisture is removed. Drying normally take 18-24 hours and requires cryo-excipients that protect the enzymes during the freezing. The reagents can be lyophilized to a bead or a cake format.

Air-drying is done by heating in a convection oven, forming a highly viscous pellet, with about 95% of the moisture removed. Drying normally take less than 2 hours and requires heat protecting excipients that protect the enzymes at higher temperatures. The reagents can be air-dried to a soft viscous format.

Lyophilization and air-drying helps to extend the product’s shelf life, enhance the stability of the reagents at higher temperatures, and allows for convenient and accurate dispensing of the reagents. After drying, the reagents are easily reconstituted with sample material.

Following drying in the presence or absence of a buffer containing excipients, primers/probes, most or our mixes should be stable for a minimum of 24 months at ambient temperature. Following rehydration, the assay reproducibility, sensitivity, and robustness should be the same as for a freshly made liquid mix.

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