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The Curian Shiga Toxin test is intended for use with broth cultures derived from unpreserved stool or stool preserved in Cary-Blair or C&S transport media.
It is known that culture will miss all non-O157 strains. The documented infection rate is about 50:50 for O157 strains vs. non-O157 strains. You should be testing for all Shiga toxin-producing E. coli.
Yes, CDC Guidelines recommend Shiga toxin testing be performed on growth from broth culture because this method is more sensitive and specific than direct testing of stool. In addition, because the amount of free fecal Shiga toxin in stools is often low, FIA testing of broth enrichment from stool is recommended rather than direct testing.
Curian Shiga Toxin provides triple reimbursement by incorporating 3 CPT codes:
- Broth enrichment: 87015
- FIA identification Stx 1: 87427
- FIA identification Stx 2: 87427-59
To order, contact your regional sales representative or use the following contact information:
- Email:
- Phone: +1 800 696-0739
- International Sales Extension: +1 513 271-3000