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Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that lives on the lining of the stomach. Although we used to think that spicy food, acid, and stress were the major causes of ulcers, we now know that 9 out of 10 ulcers are caused by H. pylori. Medicines that reduce stomach acid may make you feel better, but your symptoms may come back. Here’s the good news – since most ulcers are caused by this bacterial infection, it can be cured with the right antibiotics.
There are 3 types of recommended tests:
Stool Antigen Test: Provide a small stool specimen in an easy-to-use collection device. The doctor will conduct the test in his office or send it to a laboratory for analysis.
Urea Breath Test: In this test, two breath samples are taken – one prior to ingesting a 13C-labeled urea drink and one after. The breath samples are then analyzed in the office or sent out to a laboratory.
Endoscopy: This is an invasive test in which a small tube with a camera inside is inserted through the mouth and into the stomach to look for ulcers. During the endoscopy, small samples of the stomach lining can be obtained and tested for H. pylori.
No, only fresh or frozen stool samples. The product is not validated for the use of samples in Cary-Blair. The 1:4 dilution of Cary Blair increases the limit of detection and could cause false negative results.
Curian HpSA offers improved performance over Immunocard STAT HpSA. Curian offers the lowest LoD (limit of detection) on the market at 2 ng/mL. Immunocard STAT HpSA has an LoD of 64 ng/mL, which means that any low-level sample between 2-64 ng/mL will be called a false negative by Immunocard STAT HpSA. Curian HpSA and Immunocard STAT HpSA were both compared to the Premier HpSA assay. Curian has higher PPA (96.1%) and NPA (97.0%) values than Immunocard STAT (86.5% and 94.2% respectively).
Curian® HpSA – 87338
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- International Sales Extension: +1 513 271-3000