Meridian Genotyping Webinar linkedin

Direct Genotyping from Blood & FFPE Biopsies: Novel Inhibitor-Tolerant Master Mixes & Their Applications in Molecular Diagnosis

DNA genotyping is a powerful technology that allows the identification of genetic variations that can lead to an increased risk of developing certain diseases. Additionally, genotyping has a fundamental role in companion diagnostics, as it enables the characterization of patients’ genetic profiles that can be used to guide treatment decisions.
Here, we will introduce two novel master mixes developed to provide PCR-based identification of mutations directly from the clinical samples, such as blood, plasma or FFPE tissue, bypassing DNA extraction and streamlining the analysis of both liquid and tissue biopsies.

Mihai-Nicolae Podaru, PhD (R&D Senior Scientist, Meridian Bioscience)

Steve Hawkins, PhD (Product Marketing Manager, Meridian Bioscience)

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Webinar Blood shot

Meridian’s solution to detecting DNA or RNA directly from whole blood

Direct qPCR has many advantages over traditional qPCR workflows that involve DNA/RNA extraction. However, achieving high sensitivity with direct qPCR using whole blood samples has been challenging due to the presence of qPCR inhibitors within the sample (such as heme, salts, and proteins), and preservatives or anti-coagulants that are added during the sample collection process. The inhibitors can negatively impact the performance of the enzymes used in qPCR and RT-qPCR and they limit the amount of sample that can be added to the reaction, overall reducing the assay sensitivity and accuracy. In this talk, we will be discussing Meridian’s novel solution to overcome PCR inhibitors in direct qPCR and RT-qPCR, enabling greater sensitivity for direct detection from whole blood, improving assay reproducibility, and reducing assay development time.

Thomas Fouqueau, PhD
Acting Team Leader, R&D, Meridian Life Science

Rachel Currier, PhD
Acting Team Leader, R&D, Meridian Life Science

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Webinar Thumb Meridian Sample Specific Master Mixes

Meridian Sample Specific Master Mixes – Breakthrough Innovation in MDx Development

Traditionally, qPCR and RT-qPCR diagnostic assays include DNA/RNA extraction and purification steps to remove inhibitors from the PCR reactions, to meet the assay specificity and sensitivity. However, these steps are laborious, expensive, and time-consuming. To overcome this, Meridian has developed inhibitor tolerant mixes specifically for blood, saliva, urine, and stool. Meridian’s Direct Sample-Specific qPCR Mixes are the first mixes on the market overcoming the limitations of inhibitors inherent in the various clinical specimens, for ultimate assay sensitivity and specificity.

In this webinar our speakers will discuss:

The optimization strategy and methodology that have led to the development of these specimen-specific mixes, which have superior performance compared to other products on the market and enable faster, more sensitive, and cost-effective diagnostic assays.

Dr. Rachel Currier- Acting Team Leader, Research & Development
Dr. Thomas Fouqueau- Acting Team Leader, Research & Development

Dr. Steve Hawkins, Product Marketing Manager

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