
Urea Breath Tests

Meridian’s urea breath testing platforms offer industry leading flexibility and scale for H. pylori testing in any clinical environment. Learn more about tailored solutions for large throughput reference laboratories or near-patient H. pylori diagnostics.


Urea Breath Testing Solutions for H. pylori

The Meridian Bioscience urea breath testing solutions for H. pylori detection offer cutting-edge, noninvasive, patient-friendly results. As a leader in innovative medical diagnostics, Meridian provides a comprehensive and accurate method for identifying Helicobacter pylori – a critical factor in the management of gastritis and ulcers. Explore the advanced technology behind our test, designed for simplicity and precision, ensuring swift and reliable results. Discover how Meridian’s urea breath testing is shaping the landscape of H. pylori detection and patient care.

Unmatched Accuracy in H. pylori Detection

The state-of-the-art BreathID® Smart urea breath test platform for H. pylori detection intuitively combines market-leading diagnostic accuracy with efficient automation, all in a compact footprint for maximizing mid-range testing throughput. Whether for initial active infection detection or confirmation of eradication, Meridian is your trusted partner in gastrointestinal diagnostics.

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Unparalleled Performance

  • 100% Sensitivity
  • 97.9% Specificity

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Intuitive Efficiency

Automated data input and batch analysis to reduce human error and
simplify reporting

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Trusted Partner

Meridian offers additional H. pylori platforms for a total testing

Ready to get a handle on Urea Breath testing? Let’s talk

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