Please select the human condition you are looking to test for to see our available solutions.
Calprotectin H. pylori Rotavirus E. coli Adenovirus Rotavirus/Adenovirus Norovirus Rotavirus/Adenovirus/Norovirus CampylobacterHealthcare Acquired Infections
C. difficileParasitology
Cryptosporidium/Giardia Para PakOther
Healthcare Acquired Infections
Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)Sexual Health
Pregnancy Phosphate Buffered Saline Viral Transport HCV HIV VZV Chlamydia Gonorrhea HSV 1&2 M-prepOther
Serology FungalsTropical Diseases
MalariaCustomizable solutions to fit your laboratory's needs
Revogene® SARS-CoV-2 Molecular Assay
(EUA Approved)
A real-time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) qualitative test run on the Revogene® instrument for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid from nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal, anterior nasal, and mid-turbinate nasal swab specimens.
Customizable solutions to fit your laboratory's needs

Revogene® Strep A SARS-CoV-2 C. difficile GBS Carba C
Revogene is a fully automated molecular platform that features single and multiplex testing capabilities with minimal hands-on time. It’s a flexible platform that is built to grow with you.
Revogene® Strep A SARS-CoV-2 C. difficile GBS Carba C
Disease Areas
Our passion is to help providers make better diagnostic decisions with a focus on gastrointestinal, neonatal, pediatrics, and respiratory conditions.
Our global network is eager to answer your questions about our wide range of solutions.