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LeadCare® II

The easiest way to test for lead.

LeadCare II is the only CLIA waived point-of-care test for blood lead poisoning. It can screen in a single visit with a simple finger-stick.

Catalog Number: 70-6760 LeadCare II Analyzer
Catalog Number: 70-6762 LeadCare II Kit

LeadCare® II Product Description

Lead is an invisible neurotoxin lurking throughout our environment. Children in homes built before 1978 are at highest risk. In 3 minutes, LeadCare II identifies them. CLIA-waived LeadCare II is used in thousands of practices because it’s easy to use, provides an accurate result and fits seamlessly into the office workflow. Parents appreciate a single visit, a simple fingerstick, and an answer in just 3 minutes.

Analyzer Kit (70-6760)

The kit contains the analyzer, power cord, and instructions. Test kits must be ordered separately.

Test Kit (70-6762)

Contains reagents, capillary tubes, plungers and transfer droppers for 48 tests; two levels of quality control and a calibration button.

Take action before health and learning suffer.

Early diagnosis helps to quickly address the effects of lead exposure. Learn more about how you can prevent your child from lead poisoning.

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    Results in 3 minutes

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    Easy to use - CLIA-waived

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    A single visit and a simple fingerstick test

1 in 38 US children has an elevated blood lead level

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1 in 38 US children has an elevated blood lead level

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LeadCare II is the only CLIA-waived, point-of-care blood lead testing system. The system includes the LeadCare II Blood Lead Analyzer and the LeadCare II Test Kit and is designed for the quantitative measurement of lead in fresh whole blood.

The LeadCare II relies on electrochemistry (Anodic Stripping Voltammetry or ASV) and a unique sensor to detect lead in whole blood. Most lead is carried within red blood cells. When a sample of whole blood is mixed with treatment reagent, the red blood cells are lysed and the lead becomes available for detection. When a test is run, the analyzer applies an electrical potential that causes the lead to collect on the sensor. After 3 minutes, the analyzer measures the amount of lead on the sensor and displays the result in micrograms per deciliter (µg/dl).

No, the LeadCare II Test Kit is specific for the analysis of lead only.

LeadCare II is the only CLIA-waived, point-of-care blood lead testing system. The test can be performed on site, requires only two drops of blood, and provides a quantitative blood lead result in 3 minutes.

In contrast, traditional lead testing methods require sending the test to an outside lab. With traditional tests, a blood sample (capillary or venous) is collected in the doctor’s office or clinic and sent out for testing at a reference lab, or the child is sent to another laboratory to have their blood collected and then sent out for analysis. Traditional testing methods require physicians to wait days to weeks for results, and parents must be called back for follow up. With LeadCare II, testing is performed while the parent and child are in the office, providing the perfect opportunity for education and intervention all in one visit.

Lead analysis is performed in three simple steps:

The user collects 50 µl (approximately 2 drops) of whole blood from the patient’s fingertip, using a capillary tube provided in the test kit.

The user mixes the patient sample with prepackaged treatment reagent. A chemical reaction liberates the free lead from the red blood cells.

Using a transfer dropper supplied in the kit, the user places a drop of the test mixture on a disposable sensor that has been placed in the analyzer. Lead analysis begins automatically and the result is displayed 3 minutes later.

Yes, blood lead testing is reimbursable using CPT code 83655 (‘QW’ modifier may be required). Reimbursement varies by state and insurance plan. For information to assist you regarding reimbursement in your state, contact

LeadCare II Kit – 83655

Collection of capillary blood – 36416

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