
Solutions for Isothermal Amplification

Meridian’s latest advancement in isothermal amplification enables you to re-envision your LAMP point-of-care diagnostics! Simplify assay development, speed up turnaround time and deliver highly specific and sensitive amplification without DNA or RNA extraction.


Eliminate DNA or RNA Extraction

Detect the target DNA or RNA straight from the sample with only minimal pre-processing. High inhibitor-tolerance enables the mixes to be used on crude samples.


Improve Assay Sensitivity

Meridian's mixes outcompete other LAMP mixes on the market in terms of sensitivity, detection DNA or RNA down to single digit copy numbers.


Reduce Non-Specific Amplification (NTC)

Non-specific amplification is a common problem in LAMP and can lead to false-positive results. Meridian's mixes are optimized to minimize NTC and keep assay specificity high.

Meridian High Reaction Sensitivity NTC graph

LAMP image direct detection

Watch a Short Video

Find out how LAMP amplification works and learn more about Meridian’s specimen-specific solutions.

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Read a Product Flyer

Learn more about our newest specimen-specific mix, Lyo-Ready Direct DNA/RNA LAMP Saliva mixes by reading the product flyer.

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Webinar On-Demand

Gain a deeper understanding of how Meridian’s LAMP master mixes can accelerate your point-of-care assay development.

Want to learn more? Visit the product page or contact us for more information.

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